Fermentasaurus starter kit

Raktárkészlet: NINCS
Fermentasaurus starter kit
Fermentasaurus starter kit
Fermentasaurus starter kit
Fermentasaurus starter kit
Fermentasaurus starter kit
Fermentasaurus starter kit
Fermentasaurus starter kit
Fermentasaurus starter kit
Fermentasaurus starter kit
Fermentasaurus starter kit
Fermentasaurus starter kit

Fermentasaurus starter kit! Nyomás alatti/oxigén mentes erjesztés és átfejtés, cilinder kónikus erjesztő tartályban otthon? Ha te is tovább szeretnéd javítani söreid minőségét, akkor a Fermentasaurus 35 literes erjesztő tartályt neked találták ki! Szerezz be egyet te is! További információkkal kapcsolatban keressetek bennünket bizalommal.

Csomag tartalma:
- 35 literes, nyomásálló, erősített, élelmiszer ipari PET erjesztő tartály test
- 500 ml-es, nyomásálló leeresztő tartály, élesztő elvételhez, hideg seprő eltávolításhoz, hidegkomlózáshoz. A csatlakozásnál egy rozsdamentes pillangószelep és rozsdamentes csavar erősítés található. Ennek köszönhetően strapabíróbb és könnyebben takarítható.
- Kotyogó és záró fedél a hagyományos erjesztéshez ( csak pressure kit-tel lehet nyomás alatt használni!)
- Rozsdamentes acél állvány (304)
- Csőcsatlakozós leeresztő szelep
- Minden szükséges tömítés

Kérdés a termékről
The Fermentasaurus is the world’s first conical PET fermenter that is pressurisable up to 2.4 bar working pressure. This Australian-made product will change the way home brew is made and greatly simplifies the home brewing process.

The breakthrough in this new design means that you can finally naturally carbonate your clear conditioned beer in the Fermentasaurus and dispense directly to tap. No need to carbonate beer in the keg or bottle. You can drink directly from the Fermentasaurus saving time and hassle. With the optional pressure kit you can pressurise the vessel up to (2.4 bar) to allow you to carbonate and dispense directly from the vessel like a keg! Alternatively you can transfer under pressure to stainless kegs with practically no exposure to oxygen.

Home brewers can see the yeast in action as the Fermentasaurus is crystal clear. You can dump yeast from the conical shape and clarify the beer without the need to rack off into another vessel. In the past clarifying beer meant racking from one fermenter to another, increasing the risks of infection and oxidation. Don’t waste time and put your beer at risk; now you can ferment, clarify and carbonate in one vessel.

The Fermentasaurus comes with a yeast harvesting container of 500 ml that is also pressure rated. The yeast harvesting container is ideal so you can save your yeast from one brew and pitch it into the next brew.

The Fermentasaurus has been designed with a sanitary butterfly valve with stainless gate. This butterfly valve has been designed so that no threads are immersed in liquid when the Fermentasaurus is in use. Many fermenters on the market use ball valves which are notoriously difficult to sanitise as the ball valve assemblies have small cavities in them that fill with liquid and are near impossible to clean without disassembly.

-A pressure rated 500ml yeast harvesting container. This handy container allows for saving your yeast for use in your next brew.
-Airlock and lid. By default the Fermentasaurus is unpressurised, making it ideal for brewers who are not interested in carbonation.
-An easy to use hose barb for dump port is also included. Use it to attach tubing or easily fill your bottles.
-Stainless Steel Stand.

-fermenter body: high molecular length PET
-fermenter volume: 35 litre
-dump valve: glass reinforced nylon with stainless gate and stainless bolts
-frame: 304 stainless frame
-non-pressure rated lid: glass reinforced nylon
-lid seal: Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR)
-working pressure: 2.4 bar (35 psi)
-burst pressure: above 7 bar
-test pressure: 5 bar
30 kg/db
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