Best CaramelPils (Carapils) maláta. (Carafoam, Dextrin malt)
Az egyik leggyakrabban használt és legnépszerűbb karamel maláta.Minőségi német kétsoros tavaszi árpából készült karamell maláta, mely anélkül növeli a habtartást és a testességet, hogy különösebb színt adna a sörnek. Kellemes enyhe ízekkel, mézes, karamellás jegyekkel rendelkezik Szinte minden sörhöz használható.Normál használat 5-10%, de lehet növelni legfeljebb 40%-ig.
EBC 3-7.
Lovibond 1,6 - 3,2
BestMalz for the Best Beer
BEST Caramel® Pils
BEST Caramel® Pils is the lightest of all BEST Caramel® malts and is therefore particularly suitable for providing beers with more full-bodiedness without intensifying their color. Sensorically, the use of BEST Caramel® Pils leads to a sweet taste component in the beer reminiscent of honey, as the sugar-like caramel compounds contained can no longer be fermented by the yeast. The product can also lead to an improvement in foam retention and longer flavor stability.
Caramel malt to improve the foam stability and body of all beer styles, especially for:
- Pale Lager; American (Light) Lager, International Pale Lager, Koelsch style beer, German Leichtbier, Bavarian Helles, India Pale Lager
- Pilsner; German Pilsener, Pre-Prohibition Lager, American Pilsener
- Strong Lager; Imperial Pilsener
- Pale Ale; Cream Ale, British Golden Ale, Summer Ale, English Summer Ale, Australian Sparkling Ale, Blonde Ale, Session Pale Ale
- IPA; American IPA, Double IPA, Session IPA
- Strong Ale; Belgian Golden Strong Ale
- Wheat Beer; Leichtes Weizen, Gueuze, Fruit Lambic, Gose, Piwo Grodziskie
- Alcohol-reduced beer
- Alcohol-free beer
Recommended addition: 5-10%
(for special formulations e.g. alcohol-free, higher use up to 40% possible)
Enzyme activity: low